We Care
FIPL is conscious of the environment within which we operate, and we ensure that as a socially responsible company, we embark on some community development projects within our host communities to benefit the host community residents.
At the heart of our business objectives, lies an unwavering commitment to promoting good corporate citizenship across the globe. This is achieved through FIPL Foundation – the vehicle for our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The activities of FIPL Foundation are aimed at empowering the communities where we operate in a sustainable, transparent and efficient manner.
Focus Areas

We are committed to the health and well being of the people and community in which we operate.

Our multiple education intervention shcemes including scholarships, seminars etc. restate our committment to improving lives.

We are environmentally aware and understand the importance of environmental protection and sustainability.
Our Projects

Health Fair (Health is Wealth)
We organized a health fair for the Obrikom Community residents tagged “Health is wealth” where up to 200 people were given basic health education, vital signs check, eye checks and mild corrective lenses were issued, anti-malaria treatments for pregnant women and mosquito nets given to them to use at home.

Renovation of UBE Primary School
The UBE Primary School Obrikom which was previously in a very deplorable state with open roofs, broken doors and windows, no boards, broken furniture and no toilets received an intervention from FIPL as they entire school block was renovated, furniture provided and a block of six toilets built and commissioned in January 2019.
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